CBSE Class 10 Grading System & Passing Criteria 2025

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The grading system of CBSE Class 10 has a 9-point grading system. Furthermore, it eliminates the use of exact marks.  Additionally, the students of class 10th in CBSE are graded from A1 to E2. The students who score A1 have marks between 91 and 100. The grade E2 means the student has scored less than 20 marks. In this article we will discuss in detail about the grading system of the CBSE Class 10.

CBSE Class 10 Grading System

Table of Contents

Grading System of CBSE

In the grading system of CBSE Class 10, the theory carries 80 marks and the internal assessment carries 20 marks. Moreover, this promotes the academic and co-curricular growth of the students. The sum of all grade points is divided by the number of subjects done to calculate the CGPA. However, the CGPA can be converted to a percentage by multiplying by 9.5. The grading system of the CBSE emphasizes the overall learning capability of the student.

The CBSEs uses 9 point grading scale and assigns grades from A1 to E based on the students mark. Furthermore, this grading system of CBSEs ensures a uniform assessment standard across the country. Here is the detail of CBSE Class 10 grade according to the marks obtained by a student.

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  • 91-100 mark range secures A1 grades and 10-grade points.
  • 81-90 mark range secures A2 grades and 9-grade points.
  • 71-80 mark range secures B1 grades and 8-grade points.
  • 61-70 mark range secures B2  grades and 7-grade points.
  • 51-60 mark range secures C1 grades and 6-grade points.
  • 41-50 mark range secures C2  grades and 5 grade points.
  • 33-40 mark range secures D grades and 4-grade points.
  • 21-32 mark range secures E1 grades and is considered a fail
  • The 0-20 mark range secures E2  grades and is considered a fail.
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The A1 Grade showcases the outstanding performance with a grade point 10.Furthermore, D grade indicates a minimum passing requirement. Additionally the grades E1 and E2 grades with marks below 33 indicates a failure in the subject.

CBSE Assessment Structure

The grading system of CBSE in class 10 involves an evaluation method as follows.

  • The theory exam carries 80 marks
  • The internal assessment contributes 20 marks.

The internal assessment includes:

  • Periodic Tests: The periodic tests assess the understanding of the student about the concepts and their retention.
  • Notebook evaluation: This encourages discipline among the students
  • Subject Enrichment Activities: The Subject Enrichment activities focus on co-curricular learning of the students. Furthermore, co-curricular learning includes projects, presentations, and practicals.

Additionally, the students have to score a minimum of 33 percent in both the theory exam and the internal assessment.

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The CBSE Class 10 grading system uses a 9 point scale. Furthermore, the CBSEs assigns grades form A1 to E2.  Additionally the assessment of the students is based on the marks they score, internal assessment and overall performance. Moreover this grading system applies to all the CBSEs affiliated schools . The grading system in CBSEs ensures consistency and fairness across the students of CBSE.

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