HTET Admit Card 2025: The Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test or HTET exam is conducted to determine the eligibility of candidates for Primary Teachers. Furthermore, the HTET exam also determines the ability of Trained Graduate Teachers and Post Graduate Teachers. Additionally, HTET is a state-level exam. The HTET exam is scheduled for 8th and 9th February 2025. However, the authorities will release the admit card for the HTET Exam 7 to 10 days before the exam. In this article, we will discuss in detail about the HTET Exam. Additionally, we will also mention the steps to download the HTET Admit Card.
HTET Admit Card 2025
The exam date of the HTET exam was postponed the HTET Exam will take place on 8th and 9th February,2025. Furthermore, the level 1 , level 2 and level 3 of the HTET exam will be conducted at various centres across the state. The level 1 exam is for PRT Teacher. Additionally, level 2 exam is for TGT Teacher and level 3 of the exam is for PGT Teacher. More details about the time and venue of the exam will be on the admit card of the HTET Exam.
The candidate has to enter the registration number and password to download the admit card . Furthermore, the candidates has to carry the admit card of the exam to the exam center with a valid ID card. Additionally the candidates can download the HTET admit card from the official site only. Moreover the exam medium is English and Hindi. The mode of exam is offline.
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HTET Admit Card 2025: Steps to Download
The candidates can use the login details to download the admit card for the HTET Exam. Here are the steps to download theHTET Admit Card 2025.
- Firstly the candidate has to visit the official website of the Board of School Education, Haryana. Furthermore the official website is
- Then the candidate has to click on Download Admit Card for Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test 2025.
- A login page will appear on the screen. Furthermore, the candidate can enter the login credentials in the login page.
- The candidate has to enter the registration number and password according to the admission certificate.
- Next, the candidate has to click on the Search. The admit card will appear on the screen.
- Download the HTET Admit Card 2025. The candidate must bring the download admit card to the HTET exam hall along with a valid ID card.
Information on the HTET Admit Card 2025
The candidate should carry the downloaded HTET Admit Card 2025 to the exam hall. Additionally they also have to bring the original photo ID proof to the hall. They must also bring two passport size photograph they uploaded during the registration. Candidates must also carry a black ball point pen to the exam hall. The candidates has to make sure that the details in the admit card are correct and accurate. These are the details mentioned in the admits card of the HTET Exam.
- Candidate’s Name
- Roll Number of the Candidate
- Venue of the Exam
- Date of Birth of the Candidate
- Signature of the Candidate
- Photograph of the candidate
- Exam Time
- Reporting Time
- Exam centre code
- Instructions to the candidates
HTET 2025: Exam Pattern
There are eight sections in the exam. Here are the eight sections and the mark division
- Child Development and Pedagogy consists of 30 questions carrying 30 marks
- Hindi consists of 15 questions carrying 15 marks
- English section consists of 15 questions carrying 15 marks
- The quantitative aptitude section consists of 10 questions carrying 10 marks
- The reasoning section consists of 10 questions carrying 10 marks
- The Haryana GK section consists of 10 questions carrying 10 marks
- The mathematics section consists of 30 questions carrying 30 marks
- Environmental Studies section consists of 30 questions carrying 30 marks
- There will be a total of 150 questions carrying 150 marks.
- The questions will be Multiple Choice Questions.
- There will not be any negative marks
- Each question will carry one mark
- The exam is conducted offline
- HTET exam for TGT Level II consists of subject-specific 60 subject-specific questions carrying 60 marks
The Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test is a state-level exam to check the eligibility of aspiring teachers. Furthermore the HTET exam is scheduled on 8th and 9th of February,2025. Additionally the admit card of the HTET Exam will release before 7 to 10 days of the exam. In this article, we have discussed about the exam date of HTET Exam. Additionally , we have also mentioned the steps to download the admit card of the HTET Exam.
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When will the candidate download the HTET Admit Card 2025?
The candidate can download the HTET Admit Card 2025 7 to 10 days before the exam date. Furthermore, the candidates can download the HTET Exam admit card from the official website at Additionally, the candidate can download the admit card using their login credentials.
When is the HTET Exam scheduled for?
The HTET exam is scheduled for 8th and 9th February 2025. The exam consists of 150 questions and each question will carry one mark. There will not be any negative marks in the exam. Furthermore the exam is conducted in offline mode.