The Rajasthan Public Service Commission has officially announced the release date for the upcoming prelim exams. Interested candidates can soon download the admit cards from the official website of the commission. The preliminary exams for the recruitment of over 733 vacant positions are scheduled on the 2nd of February 2025. If you are one of the interested candidates who are going to appear for the examination, this article is for you. It brings you all the details about the RPSC RAS admit card release including the steps to download as well as the city slip release date.
RPSC RAS Exam City Slip 2025
The Rajasthan Public Service Commission issued the official notification for the Rajasthan Administrative Service on the 2nd of September 2024. The commission, through the notification, declared 733 positions open for recruitment. Out of these 733 positions, 346 posts were for RAS while the remaining 387 were for subordinate services. The recruitment process will have three phases namely Preliminary exams, main exams, and interviews.
The preliminary exams will happen in online mode while the mains will happen in offline mode. The duration for all exams will be 3 hours. The candidates belonging to the General/ BC & OBC categories had to pay INR 600/- for registration. While the candidates belonging to the SC/ ST/ BC/ OBC/ PwD/ EWS categories had to pay INR 400/- for registration. The registration started on the 19th of September and ended on the 18th of October 2024.
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RPSC RAS City Slip Release Date
The city intimation slips, with important details like the venue, timings, and reporting time, will be released on the 26th of January 2025. It is important to note that this slip is only for the preliminary examinations. Therefore, candidates who are going to apply for the examinations must download the slip from the official website. The candidates must go through the downloaded list carefully to ensure they do not miss any important details. The city intimation slip will tell you when and where you will have to report on the day of the examination.
How To Download The RPSC RAS City Slip 2025?
Following is the set of steps that candidates will have to follow to download their RPSC RAS city slip.
- Step 1: The candidates have to go to the official website of the commission.
- Step 2: The candidates will then have to spot the RAS Exam City Slip 2025″ link.
- Step 3: The next is logging in using your SSO ID and password.
- Step 4: The candidates will then have to enter other credentials required like application number and date of birth
- Step 5: The candidates will then submit all the details required and download the city slip.
RPSC RAS Admit Card Admit Card Release Date
The admit cards for the candidates who are appearing for the examination will be released on the 30th of January 2025. It is absolutely necessary for the candidates to carry their admit cards with them on the day of the examination. Hence, the candidates must ensure that they download the admit card from the official website of the commission. The commission will not take the responsibility of sending the admit cards individually to any candidates. The candidates will have to visit the official website of the commission and download their admit cards themselves. The authorities at the examination center will not grant access to those without the admit cards.
How To Download The RPSC RAS Admit Card 2025?
Following is the set of steps that candidates will have to follow to download their RPSC RAS Admit Card.
- Step 1: The candidates have to go to the official website of the commission.
- Step 2: The candidates will then have to spot the RAS Prelims Admit Card 2024-25 link.
- Step 3: The candidates will then have to enter the credentials required like the registration number and date of birth.
- Step 4: The candidates will then submit the details and download the admit card that appears on their screens.
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What To Do In Case Of Discrepancies?
Once the admit card is downloaded the candidates must ensure that all their original details match the ones mentioned on the admit cards. In case of any discrepancies, the candidates must contact the authorities at RPSC as soon as possible. While checking your admit card, make sure there are no spelling errors in the names. You must also ensure that the birth date as well as the centre name is correct. If you have any discrepancies you can contact RPSC in the following ways.
- Helpline Numbers: 0145 – 2635200 or 0145 – 2635212
- Email:
- Postal Address: Rajasthan Public Service Commission, Ghooghara Ghati, Jaipur Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan – 305001
Instructions For Examination Day
Following are a few instructions the candidates must follow on the day of the examination.
- Make sure you carry a printed copy of your admit card to the examination center.
- You must also carry a photo ID proof with you. A photo ID proof includes an Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, PAN Card, or Passport.
- You must reach the examination center on or before the reporting time.
- You must ensure you do not have any prohibited items on you such as electronic devices, calculators, or any study materials
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